SNN(SIGNIS GOODNEWS NETWORK) is a voluntary organization stemmed from SIGNIS JAPAN (Catholic Media Council). SNN hopes and acts to expand the Good News (the gospel) of Christ through internet. Today, SNN has released three (3) video clips on its web site so that everybody can access and enjoy those clips. Please visit its site:
“LIGHT OF HOPE – REAL CHURCH -” (w/English subtitles)
To depict how the survivors see and accept the realities and how the young volunteers find thernselves working for others.
On March 11, 2011, the Great Earthquake & Tsunami destroyed Kamaishi Cly. The survivors tell what they experienced. All you can see is devastated land, Nevertheless, young volunteers come and help them. Everybody shares his/her experience and is in deep prayer. Both survivors and volunteers find something in their interactions.
Photo slides of one of SNN members who visited Lourdes early this year. You can feel the serenity of the place and the faithfulness of the people.
“Director Shigeki Chiba / Speech on Mother Teresa”
Director Shigeki Chiba, President -SIGNIS JAPAN, speaks how he found Mother Teresa and her works, and how he was inspired by her words, when he shot footage on her some 30 years ago. Her memory is still fresh with him. (Sorry, no English subtitles)