The Birth of “English Plaza”

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe are happy to announce the birth of “English Plaza” in Easter season, 2010.  Here in Japan, spring comes with cherry-blossoms.  Japanese people love them dearly.  The cherry-blossom viewing (and drinking and eating under the cherry-blossoms for some people) is so-to-speak our annual national event.

uid000008_20100514030205a1a64779This year the cherry-blossoms lasts longer in Tokyo than usual due to cold weather.  Now the cherry-blossom front is moving northward, thus people all over Japan can enjoy their pretty white-pink petals and subtle fragrance.

Our first article is: the translation of the first issue of our newly-born quarterly news letter, “TALITHA CUM”.  The original Japanese version was issued in Christmas last year.  We are very grateful for those who helped us to translate this into English, our Japanese and American friends.  This time we translated all portion except “Please become a support-member / make a donation” column.  In the future, we will select just one or two to show you for updates of our activities.

We welcome your comments and feedback.
